Honestly, it's impossible to tell without access the the original fund documents that better elucidate issues of economic interest and control. 坦白讲,如果没有能更好说明经济利益和控制权问题的原始基金文件,很难断论。
The notice stated that companies controlled by Mr. Icahn had, earlier this month, acquired shares and derivative securities that give him an economic interest of approximately 0.82% in the company. 通知称,本月早些时候,由伊坎先生控股的公司收购了本公司的部分股票和衍生证券,由此获得了本公司约0.82%的股权。
One might think that the answer to that question should be yes because it is in the economic interest of a MNC to be respectful of host country moral norms. 对于这个问题,有人可能会答是,因为就经济利益而言,任何跨国企业应尊重东道国家的道德标准。
This government will not be deterred from taking whatever action is necessary in the national economic interest to underpin this country's and our people's economic well-being, Mr Rudd told parliament, after suffering his biggest parliamentary setback since his government took office in December 2007. 陆克文告诉议会:本届政府不会被吓倒,而将采取符合国家经济利益的一切必要措施,巩固国家和人民的经济福祉。这是陆克文政府自2007年12月上台以来在议会遭遇的最严重挫折。
Sometimes expropriation is in the economic interest of people in poor countries. Sometimes it is not. 征用有时合乎贫穷国家人民的经济利益,有时则不然。
Second, its economic interest would be served because successful US efforts at rescuing its financial sector could help avert an economic downturn, protecting China's exports, its growth engine. 其次,此举符合中国自身经济利益,如果美国金融业救援行动成功,将有助于避免经济低迷,这有利于中国经济增长的引擎:出口。
Companies prefer less emission due to the simulation of economic interest. 通过一种经济利益的刺激,促使企业少排放碳。
Current Situation of Woman Peasants 'Land Contract and Related Economic Interest 农村妇女土地承包权及相关经济利益实现状况分析
With the increased supply the geopolitical and economic interest in biofuel faded away. 随着提供量的增加,对生物燃料的经济兴趣消失了。
Owners 'equity is the economic interest in the assets of an enterprise attributable to the owners. The amount is the balance of assets after deducting all liabilities. 所有者权益,是指所有者在企业资产中享有的经济利益,其金额为资产减去负债后的余额。
The mass media to the economic interest chase is a driving force which the entertainment phenomenon produces; 大众媒介对经济利益的追逐是娱乐化现象产生的原动力;
The Study on the Economic Interest Harmonization Mechanism in the Economic Transition Phase of China 中国经济转型时期经济利益和谐的机制研究
Declaring that the US and China shared huge areas of mutual economic interest, he highlighted energy and the environment as issues where the countries should work together. 他宣称,美中两国在广泛的领域有着共同的经济利益,并强调指出,两国应在能源和环境问题上携手合作。
The humanity in order to pursue the economic interest, has carried on the non-limit claim to the nature and the depletive development, has brought the serious destruction for the ecological environment and threatens and is affecting the society stable and development. 摘要人类为了追求经济利益,对自然进行了无限度的开发,给生态环境带来了严重的破坏并威胁和影响着社会的稳定与发展。
Bouygues SA's shareholders were, in effect, footing most of the interest bill on SAUR's borrowings, because they had the greater economic interest in Maison Bouygues and SAUR. 实际上,SAUR的大部分借款利息由布伊格股份有限公司的股东支付,因为他们在MaisonBouygues和SAUR有更多的经济利益。
In the issue of environment, a study of the start-point and motivation of economic interest participants will be of gnat help in finding a coordination mechanism among them. 在环境问题中,研究经济利益主体的出发点和动机,有利于寻求经济利益主体行为的协调机制。
Under the background of the bill of quantities standard implements, how to completes tender document, reduced economy claim, favors maintains owner's economic interest. 在工程量清单规范实行的背景下,如何把招标文件编制好,减少经济索赔,以利于维护业主的经济利益。
Iron ores of greatest economic interest contain magnetite and hematite. 最具有经济价值的铁矿包括磁铁矿和赤铁矿。
The independence of public economic interest litigation is relative to the justiciability of economic law indeed, but its foundation of independence lies in the whole benefit that the economic law pursues. 摘要公益经济诉讼的独立与经济法的可诉性密切相关,但其独立的基础在于经济法对整体经济利益的追求。
It has also shown a clear preference for bilateral and regional trade agreements motivated more by political considerations than economic interest. 中国还明显偏爱那种更多出于政治考虑、而非经济利益驱动的双边及区域贸易协议。
On Transformation of Economic Development Mode and Improvement of Developing Quality and Economic Interest 转变经济发展方式,提高发展质量和效益
Germany has an enormous political and economic interest in making the eurozone work, however unpopular that view may be. 让欧元区发挥作用,德国会从中获得巨大的政治和经济利益&尽管这种观点很不招人待见。
In all the debates on the agenda, the fronts are predictably lined up according to economic interest and political traditions. 议事日程上的所有议题中,可以想象各个方面都是根据经济利益和政治传统来组织安排的。
Uses the Led street light illumination, besides brings the considerable economic interest, it will also bring huge social efficiency. 采用Led路灯照明,除了带来可观的经济利益外,还会带来巨大的社会效益。
The benefit is basic view to analyze the social movement and a condition, the economic interest and the political benefit are the social relations foundations. 利益是分析社会运行和状态的一个基本视角,经济利益和政治利益是社会关系的基础。
On Present Chinese Special Economic Interest Groups 'Political Participation 当前我国特殊经济利益集团的政治参与
Since our transformation, with the leading and planning of the group company, we quickly grow up and get good economic interest. 公司改制以来,在集团公司的领导和统筹规划下,发展迅速,取得了良好的经济效益。
The author believed that insurance interest's substantive characteristics is the economic interest by the money computation, and the insurance interest can only be suitable in the property insurance. 笔者认为,保险利益的本质特征是能以金钱计算的经济利益,且保险利益原则只能适用于财产保险中。
The countermeasures include: innovating financial investment and management pattern; coordinating social and economic interest of financial funds of culture service system construction; 针对上述问题应采取的措施有:创新财政投入和管理模式,实现公共文化服务体系建设财政资金的社会效益和经济效益的统一;